Oh & am having sore throat now and I totally lost my voice. Wts. Still had my voice ystd morning but after a day of work, poof. My voice was gone. Le sigh. I hope I can get back my voice soon :(
Rlly hate working now because of those two-faced people there. The only people I can trust over there is Siewhoon Rachel Peiyuan Wenzhong Joel & Terry. (Terry is leaving on 5 Sept thou, boo.) Sigh I'm only working for the sake of money money & money. Working is fun with those people thou. Glad that I still have them around, though am not really close with Wenzhong. :/
Rlly luv those gossiping session with Siewhoon after work too! Endless chatting hahah. Rlly enjoy h2h talks with friends. :')
School's fine too, with Annabelle Natasha & the Kalimantan dogs, HAHA. Endless laughter with them in school & everywhere.
Super glad I've these people in my life! :)
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