So on Wednesday, went for s&w theory test in the morning > brunch @ coffee shop nearby with the usual people > sac to lepak for like 30 mins > went home because it was too bored.
Nothing much happened on Thursday, just got to know that there won't be pom classes for the whole of next week (yay party!!!!!!!) Ok no just kidding. Just that am having the thought to skip class on Monday & Tuesday because there's only class from 1-3pm on both days.
So yay it's finally Friday (and pay day) :D Met up with Ong after like 5 days of not seeing each other (-inserts laughing emoji or whatever-) Pizzahut for lunch > Amk to buy tickets for 'the rooftop' > uob bank to open a new savings account > movie > northpoint & got our bagpacks > some bar at the woodgrove!
My face after drinking a glass of margarita. It's my first time drinking too! Yes only a glass omg rly cannot drink leh me (-inserts another laughing emoji-) Yepz so went to work today and ns after work together with Ongs (Siewhoon & Hazel) Talked/gossip/chit chat and......... rly am thinking what should i do next year if i cannot get into poly....... :( Thought of backup plans but still hopefully I can get in. I don't want to start working life so soon...... meh.