Yay hello I'm back!
Went to have a belated bday celebration for Rachel on Friday (12/4)! Hehe. Met Rachel & Nicky on the train and we wanted to go to play nation straight but it's closed for lunch so we went to Hungry Chimps for our lunch. Took a lot of funny pictures there and I rly think the staff there thinks we are damn noisy. But I rly had fun & laughed a lot man.
Went to play nation and played for 4 straight hrs & Wenzhong joined us only at the last hr! Walked over to nabins some talking/sheesha session. My first time there too. Cabbed down to Yishun Safra at 9plus > had mac for supper > sing k @ partyworld! Peiyuan joined us at the last hr too and yay to good 2 hrs of singing!!! ^-^
All of us cabbed down to Ong's house too and stayed over at her house! Had a rly hard time sleeping man omg. Got kicked by py & wz like idk how many times and py still can elbow me during his sleep wahrao two horrible sleeper.
Still, rly enjoyed the day with them! :-)